Arrested for Drunk Driving?

What You Need to Know

Every week, hundreds of drivers in Pennsylvania are pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving. Regardless of guilt, most drivers are unprepared for this stop. This gives the police an unfair advantage when subjecting already nervous drivers to a battery of tests and the harshest of penalties.

There are many things you should know about a DUI stop. The Palkovitz Law Office Traffic Law Center can explain:

  • What to do if you are ever pulled over for drunk driving
  • What to do if you have already been arrested for drunk driving

Contact us for a free consultation at (412) 678-9000 or

DUI Stop: Do’s & Don’ts

  • Do remain polite and courteous during the DUI stop.
  • Do always take the breathalyzer or blood test. If this is your first offense, you may be eligible for a pretrial diversion program. There is a good chance that you can avoid a conviction and a subsequent criminal record.
  • Don’t ever take field sobriety tests like walking in a straight line or finger to nose touching. These tests are highly subjective and do not prove any level of intoxication. Additionally, even if you “pass” one of these tests, the police officer may still say that you failed.
  • Don’t ever admit drinking.
  • Don’t ever answer the police officer’s questions other than your name and address.
  • Do always ever exercise your Fifth Amendment rights: the right to remain silent and the right to speak with a lawyer.

If you have already been convicted: Alternatives to jail time

Pennsylvania law mandates jail time and driver’s license suspension for a drunken driving conviction. There is, however, an alternative available to certain people, including first-time offenders. The ARD (Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition) Program is available for first-time offenders of non-violent crimes, especially misdemeanor cases.

In ARD, an individual can have his or her case dismissed and record erased after probation has been served. At the Palkovitz Law Office Traffic Law Center, we have an excellent record of winning ARD for our clients. For second and third offenses, house arrest is possible to allow you to stay at home and to go to work instead of going to jail.

Contact Us — Free Consultation

For aggressive DUI defense, contact the Palkovitz Law Office Traffic Law Center in White Oak or downtown Pittsburgh law office. Call (412) 678-9000 to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys. We represent clients throughout Western Pennsylvania.